An organizational development (OD) program allows your company to entice the best candidates because it suggests a commitment with mutual payoffs for both the employee and company, resulting in positive change throughout the organization. These benefits are clearly defined and very motivational for both the new employee and those working to develop that employee. If you think your organization may benefit from motivated fresh new hires that are highly efficient and productive, it might make sense to consider offering an organizational development program to attract, develop, and retain top performers.

Bare in mind that organizational development is more than a change in human resources. It involves a planned and systematic change in the values and attitudes of all employees, essential to company growth. Companies benefit from organizational development because they become better at adapting to changes in technology and their industries. They continually refine and update their product and service offerings. They develop systems that encourage open communication and feedback. They recognize the value in continually training employees and developing them towards leadership roles. In most cases, this translates to increased profitability and a much happier and committed workforce.

What Are Some Good Organizational Development Skills?

A person or team that’s experienced in developing an organization is competent in the following set of skills:

  • Strategic Planning Skills – they must be able to envision a long-term plan, acknowledging the crucial steps to get there.
  • People Skills – they must be able to facilitate change by understanding the variety of people that make up an organization and building trust amongst them by focusing on the inclusion of diverse workforce populations.
  • Organizational Skills – they must be able to provide focus through a structured, detail-oriented approach which designates key responsibilities and jobs to be done.
  • Process skills – they must be able to transform a process that moves an organization forward with tangible results.

What are Some Organizational Development Tools?

Understanding the decision making processes unique to each individual in an organization is crucial to impact development. Among the most important, but frequently poorly applied, tools in training are Psychometric assessment tools. Collectively, these tools tell a larger picture of how individual personalities, preferences, and behaviors contribute to a larger culture of change and transformation. Such assessments include:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI Step II) – A self-guided assessment that helps people understand their personality including their strengths, weaknesses, preferences, compatibilities, and career paths. It identifies which of the 16 personality types a person has and can be leveraged to improve individual effectiveness, team dynamics, and influence/communication skills.
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i 2.0) – An assessment that helps a person understand their emotional and social capacity for self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal, decision making, stress management, and overall well-being. It is a strong indicator of the potential for success in work and in life itself. EQ is not static; it can be developed over time with the proper application to help improve one’s aptitude to harness their emotions to communicate, empathize, and overcome conflict.
  • DISC – Measures a person’s personality and behavioral style using 4 personality traits: Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, Cautious.

What are the 5 Key Elements in Building High Performing Teams / Organizations?

According to a study called ‘Project Aristotle’ conducted by Google, the most effective teams share the following characteristics:

  • Psychological Safety – the ability to openly share or take a risk without fear of judgement or rejection.
  • Dependability – the ability to rely on other teammates to complete designated tasks responsibly.
  • Structure & Clarity – one’s own knowledge of both individual expectations, team goals, and the process to get there.
  • Meaning – the recognition of one’s own purpose in the process or output of a team project.
  • Impact – the ability to recognize one’s own contribution as a key element in team or project success.
    (Re: Work with Google)

What Organizational Development Related Skills are Required for a Successful Manager?

In order to drive successful organizational transformation, team leaders need to invest in the vision and transformation at hand. Open-mindedness, empathy, communication, and influence skills all contribute to greater team success. Additionally, they must be skilled in taking a plan and putting it into action.

How do Leadership Skills Assist in Organizational Development?

Compelling leadership has a trickle-down effect. When leaders rally behind a meaningful purpose or goal, those who look up to them become infected with the same purpose and goals. In the face of change or transformation, a leader with effective communication skills can create focus around their plan for development. People skills are also useful in determining opportunities for people to elevate their role and to dissipate unnecessary challenges an individual may face.

How do you use Organizational Development Skills to Contribute to the Development of Others?

Organizational development is as much an individual journey as it is a team-wide one. Psychometric assessment tools can help employees understand their own unique qualities which can then influence how they behave on the job and even in their personal lives. This kind of empowerment can have a cumulative effect in the organization and exponentially transform it. OD sets the tone and process for future company pursuits. When people see effective change with clear guidelines, expectations, and processes there’s a good chance they may learn and implement that system on a similar scale in different situations.

How will Lynn Reed Associates Help in Creating Organizational Development Training Programs for your Employees?

For 30 years, Lynn Reed Associates has been helping senior leadership teams all over the world develop and train their organizations. He has been trained by the best in the field and is highly skilled in team dynamics with ample tools to help you uncover your team’s potential. If you’re seeking help with a team or organizational transformation, reach out today.
